Administer > Database Administration > Data persistence > Running the database maintenance utility > Run the database maintenance utility in foreground (interactively) on Windows

Run the database maintenance utility in foreground (interactively) on Windows

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

By default, the HPE Service Manager database utility executable is located in the \ Service Manager\Server\RUN directory.

To run the database maintenance utility interactively on Windows:

  1. Open a Windows Command prompt or the Window RUN dialog box.
  2. Go to the Service Manager\Server\RUN directory and issue the following command: sm -util
    For example:
    C:\Program Files\HPE\ Service Manager\Server\RUN> sm -util
    Your screen displays the Service Manager database utility main menu.
  3. Select an option to proceed.
  4. Check the output. If you receive error messages, contact Customer Support for assistance.