Integrate > HPE Operations Orchestration (OO) > Automated deployment of changes > Automatically launch change flows on a schedule (for an existing change)

Automatically launch change flows on a schedule (for an existing change)

User roles: Change Manager, Change Coordinator, and Release Manager

Note You can update OO flow links only in a change record of a category other than either of the following:

  • Subscription
  • Unplanned Change

To set an automatic execution time for OO flows of an existing change:

  1. Log on to the Service Manager Web client.
  2. Open an existing change record that meets the conditions previously mentioned.
  3. In the OO Flow Links section, do either of the following:

    • Select Use a fixed date as the Automation Type. The Scheduled Time field is displayed. Select a date and specify a time, such as 06/04/10 10:00:00.

      Note The date/time format is determined by your profile date/time format.

    • Select Use a field in the record + interval as the Automation Type. The Change Field and Interval fields are displayed. Select a field in the Change Field list as the base time, and then enter a value in the Interval field using the “+/-ddd hh:mm:ss” format. Note that a space is required between ddd and hh, and you can omit the plus sign (+) for positive intervals.

      For example, if you select Requested End Date in Change Field and enter -1 02:30:10 in Interval, the OO flows of the change will be automatically launched one day, two hours, thirty minutes, and ten seconds before the Requested End Date.


    • The automation execution time should be a future time between the Planned Start and Planned End.
    • The automation execution time you selected is not validated now. Instead, the time will be validated when the change moves to the pre-defined phase. If the validation fails, you will receive a warning and the change cannot advance to implementation. In this case, you have to reset the execution time. To do so, click Cancel and move the change back to a phase prior to Change Approval (or back to “Assess” or “Plan and Design”), reset the automation execution time, and then go through the change phases again.