Before you start

As the System Administrator, you must:

  • Have already installed HPE Service Manager 9.34 or later on a web accessible location. For installation information, see the HPE Service Manager Installation Guide and the HPE Service Manager 9.50 Release Notes.

    Note For the Mobile Applications client, only the Service Manager 9.34 server and later versions are supported.

  • Your web application server meets the requirements that are described in the Service Manager compatibility matrix. For details, refer to the Service Manager Support Matrix at HPE Support Matrices.
  • Configure the JVM memory settings on the web application server as below:

    • Minimal setting: -Xms:1024m, -Xmx:1024m, -XX:PermSize=256m

    • Recommended setting: -Xms:1500m, -Xmx:1500m

  • Set JAVA_HOME to the location where the JDK was installed (for Tomcat only), or enable the profiles to use the version 7.0 SDK (for WAS 8.5.5 only).

    For example, use the following command on a 32-bit operation system:

    managesdk -enableProfileAll -sdkname 1.7_32 -enableServers

  • Review the browser requirements for smartphones.
  • Set up your Mobile Applications preferences.
  • Configure Service Manager.