Administer > Server Performance Tuning > Scheduled processes > Add an agent to the startup agent record

Add an agent to the startup agent record

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

Adding an agent to the startup agent record allows HPE Service Manager to automatically start a background process on startup.

To add an agent to the startup agent record:

  1. Type the following command into the Service Manager command line:


    The info.startup.g form opens.

  2. In the Type field, type the following:
  3. Click Search.
    The startup agent record opens.
  4. Scroll to the first available open record in the Processor Information section.
  5. Type or select the following agent information.

    Field Description
    Name Type the name you want to use for the agent. For example, message1. This name appears in the System Status list of background processes.
    RAD Application Type scheduler.
    Class Type the name for the type of objects this processor will handle. For example, message.
    Wakeup Interval (secs.) Type the number of seconds that you want the message processor to wait before checking for messages. For example, 60.
    Priority Type the numeric CPU priority you want the message processor to have. For example, 1.

  6. Click Add.
    Service Manager adds the Information record.