Administer > Smart Analytics Administration > Troubleshooting > Troubleshooting: Checking Smart Analytics log files

Troubleshooting: Checking Smart Analytics log files

You can check the following log files to help you troubleshoot Smart Analytics issues:

Service Manager server log

This Service Manager server log file (sm.log) tracks all interactions between Service Manager and Smart Analytics. By default, the sm.log file is in the following directory: <Service Manager>\Server\logs\sm.log.

Smart Analytics log files

The log files from the Smart Analytics servers provide details to help you identify possible problems or invalid configurations. By default, you can find these log files under corresponding folders in which different Smart Analytics components are installed, such as <SmartAnalytics Installation>\IDOL, <SmartAnalytics Installation>\ImageServer, and <SmartAnalytics Installation>\Content1. Each connector also has its own log folder. All the log files that are related to content are now in the corresponding content folder.

Some log files in the IDOL Server are listed here as examples for your better understanding of the details:

File name Description
action.log Logs all the actions on IDOL Server.


Logs general application errors, warnings and information relating to the agent index.


Logs messages relating to the indexing, deletion and updating of agents.


Logs messages relating to the querying of agents.


Logs general application errors, warnings and information relating to indexes.


Logs general application errors, warnings and information relating to the category index.


Logs messages relating to category actions that read or manipulate the categories, including errors, warnings and progress information.


Logs messages relating to cluster actions, including errors, warnings and progress information.


Logs messages relating to the running of the Analysis Schedules that are specified in the configuration file.


Logs messages relating to the TaxonomyGenerate action, including errors, warnings and progress information.

community_action.log Logs all the actions relating to communities.
community_application.log Logs general application errors, warnings and information relating to the communities.
community_term.log Logs terms as they are added to profiles and agents.
community_user.log Logs when users and agents are added or deleted (or when this fails).
dah_action.log Logs all the actions relating to DAH.
dah_application.log Logs general application errors, warnings and information relating to DAH.
dih_application.log Logs general application errors, warnings and information relating to DIH.
dih_index.log Logs messages relating to the indexing, deletion and updating of DIH.
dih_query.log Logs messages relating to the querying of DIH.


Logs the index actions that the Smart Analytics server receives.

The following items are the default logging configuration of the Smart Analytics servers:


Note By default, the log files are compressed and deleted as follows:

  1. Smart Analytics keeps the log files in the ./logs folder. A log file is compressed into a .zip file under any of the following conditions:

    • The size of the log file reaches 102400 KBs.
    • The size of the log file is less than 102400KBs, and there are log entries in the subsequent day. Then, the log file is compressed at the beginning of the second day.
    • The size of the log file is less than 102400KBs, and there are no log entries in the subsequent day. Then, the log file is compressed at the time when new entries are logged.
  2. A maximum of 6 zipped log files and 1 log file are stored in the ./logs folder. The .zip file's name starts with the log file's name and ends with the current timestamp in the format of When there are more than 1 .zip file compressed from a log file, the timestamp in the new .zip files is followed by a two-digit number from 00 to 05 depending on the sequence of the .zip file. The oldest .zip file is automatically deleted when the number of files reaches 7. The 7 .zip file names are reused in sequence during the process.

You can customize the settings according to your requirements. For example, if you want to delete history log files automatically whenever the number of log files is more than 100, you can configure LogOldAction=Delete and LogMaxOldFiles=100 in the .cfg file.

You can find these configuration items in the [Logging] section of the configuration file under the servers folders. For example, the .cfg file of IDOL Server is located in the following path by default:

<SmartAnalytics Installation>\IDOL\IDOLServer.cfg

The following table lists the description for these configuration items:

Parameter Description
LogArchiveDirectory Path to log archive directory. Type the directory in which you want the application to archive old log files when LogOldAction is set to Move.
LogDirectory Path to log directory.

Displays time with each log entry. Enable this parameter to display the current time next to each log entry in the log file.

Possible values: TRUE or FALSE


Displays logging messages on the console.

Possible values: TRUE or FALSE


The log levels are hierarchical from least logging to most logging. You can use the LogLevelMatch parameter to specify which messages are reported relative to the specified LogLevel. For example, if LogLevelMatch=LessThan and LogLevel=Warning, "Normal" and "Full" message types are reported.

The following are the possible values for this parameter:

  • Always

    Basic processes are logged.

    Note This produces only minimal logging and no errors are logged.

  • Error

    Errors are logged.

  • Warning

    Errors and warnings are logged.

  • Normal

    Errors, warnings, and basic processes are logged.

  • Full

    Every occurrence is logged.

    Note This produces a large log file and can affect performance.


Determines how log files are handled when they exceed the maximum size. Type one of the following to determine how log files are handled when they exceed the MaxLogSizeKBs size:

  • Compress

    The log file's name is appended with a timestamp, compressed and saved in the log directory. By default, this is a ZIP file. Use the LogCompressionMode parameter to specify another compression format.

  • Consecutive

    The log file's name is appended with a number and saved in the log directory. When the next log file reaches its LogMaxSizeKBs size, it is appended with the next consecutive number.

  • Datestamp

    The log file's name is appended with a timestamp and saved in the log directory.

  • Previous

    The log file's name is appended with .previous and saved in the log directory. Every time a log file reaches its LogMaxSizeKBs size, it is given the same postfix so that it overwrites the old log file.

  • Day

    Only one log file is created for each day and is appended with the current timestamp. Log files are archived after they reach the LogMaxSizeKBs size.

    Note The LogMaxSizeKBs parameter takes precedence over the LogExpireAction parameter. Therefore, if you set LogExpireAction to Day, and the value for LogMaxSizeKBs results in more than one log file, multiple log files are generated for each day.


Determines how log files are handled when the maximum number of log files is exceeded. Type one of the following to determine how log files are handled when the LogDirectory has reached the maximum number of log files, as determined by the LogMaxOldFiles parameter:

  • Delete

    The log files are deleted.

  • Move

    The log files are moved to the specified LogArchiveDirectory.


Maximum log file size (in kilobytes). If you do not want to restrict the log file size, type -1.

The LogExpireAction parameter determines how a log file is handled after it has reached its maximum size.

LogMaxOldFiles Maximum number of log files in the log directory. The maximum number of log files the specified LogDirectory can store before the application runs the specified LogOldAction. If you do not want to restrict how many log files the LogDirectory can store, type -1.