Upgrade > Upgrade the applications > Appendix A: Additional manual migration tasks on Service Manager 9.50 Hybrid > Optional manual migration tasks > Remove the button in the Incident form that cancels the Interaction escalation process

Remove the button in the Incident form that cancels the Interaction escalation process

The Interaction escalation process in Process Designer-based systems and in Classic systems is different. In Process Designer-based systems, the interaction is added to database before the Process Designer solution matching form is displayed, and the Incident form is displayed when you select to create a new Incident (there is no longer an Escalate button on the Interaction form). When you save the Incident, the Incident is created and associated with the Interaction. If you do not want to escalate the Interaction to an Incident, you can click Cancel in the Incident form. In Classic systems, the Incident is created in the background without displaying the Incident form to the end user.

To revert to the old behavior, you must add the Escalate button back to the Interaction form and remove the Cancel button from the Incident form. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. To add the Escalate button back to the Interaction form, update the user condition in the "cc.edit.incident_escalate" display option to the following:

    evaluate($L.tableAccess.view) and (nullsub($G.ess, false)=false and ess.entry in $L.filed and nullsub($isnewweb, false)=true or jscall("sdUtil.isInteractionEscalatedOrFulfilled", $L.file)=false) and nullsub(category in $L.filed, "unknown")~="service catalog" and open in $L.file~="Closed"

  2. Remove the Cancel button from the Incident form. To do this, set a flag variable in the "escalate.interaction" process. For example, set the following flag:


    Then, check the following flag in the condition of the Cancel button ("apm.first_back" display option):

    nullsub($isSDEscalatingIncident, false)=false