Upgrade Utility contents

The following table lists the files that are included in the HPE Service Manager Upgrade Utility.

List of Upgrade Utility files
File Contents


Contains Upgrade Utility version and build number information to help you identify which applications upgrade version you have available. For example:

A version of "SM930-9.50.00xx v9.50 00xx Upgrade Build 00xx" indicates the following:

  • The Upgrade Utility upgrades Service Manager 9.30 and later releases to Service Manager 9.50.
  • The Upgrade Utility version number is 9.50.00xx.
  • The Upgrade Utility build number for this version is 00xx.


Files that allow you to access the various features of the Upgrade Utility.


Files that allow for the execution of the upgrade.


Files that allow you to run SQL compare, a feature of the Upgrade Utility.

Note preupg.bin includes the files in sqlupgrade.unl. To run SQL Compare, you do not need to load sqlupgrade.unl again after you load preupg.bin.


Signature information for the upgrade objects.


Database dictionaries to be upgraded.


Version stamp for this upgrade.

*.dta (in the data folder)

The data files for each table that needs to be upgraded. For example, upgradeactivityactions.dta and upgradeactivitytype.dta.


Signature definitions for the upgrade objects.


Temporary dbdicts needed for the SQL Compare process.


Files that allow you to run Delta Migration Tool.
.zip (in the 3waymerge\oob folder)

Each zip file includes the XML representation of the objects that have been signatured in the pre-upgrade out-of-box version for the Three-Way Merge tool.

Note Only four base versions are included, namely, 9.3.zip, 9.3PD.zip, 9.4.zip and 9.4PD.zip.