Develop > Processes and Best Practices > Request Fulfillment Overview > Key performance indicators for Request Fulfillment

Key performance indicators for Request Fulfillment

The Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) in the following table are useful for evaluating your Request Fulfillment processes. To visualize trend information, it is useful to graph KPI data periodically. In addition to the data provided by Service Manager, you may need additional tools to report on all of your KPI requirements.

Key Performance Indicators for Request Fulfillment



Number of service requests

The total number of Service Requests. The indicator is used as a control measure.

Size of backlog

The size of current backlog of outstanding service.

Elapsed time

The mean elapsed time for handling each type of Service Requests.

Average cost

The average cost per type of Service Request.

Customer satisfaction

The level of user satisfaction with the handling of Service Requests (as measured in some form of satisfaction survey).

For completeness, the ITIL 2011 CSFs and KPIs are included below.