Use predefined additional task fields

When you plan a task in Task Planner, you might want to use fields that are not available in the out-of-box configuration. In this case, you can define new fields for Task Planner at the object level or category level.

For example, in the following screenshot you can see that a field is defined at the object level – if you do not specify any value for the Task Category Name field, the field is defined at the object level, which applies to all category tasks.

And as shown in the following screen shot, if you specify a value for the Task Category Name field, the field is defined at the category level, which applies only to this task category.

At run time, the predefined fields at both the object level and the category level are merged together and displayed in Task Planner. If a field is defined at both levels, the definition at the category level is used.

After being defined, the predefined additional task fields are displayed at the bottom of the Task-Properties tab. Your entered data is inserted into the task that is created in Task Planner.