Add tabs

To add tabs to the Requirement form and display the fields on these tabs, click Workflow > Script Editor. Add the following code to the requirement module.

Note For a new Requirement, the tab label is "SM Integration (New)". For an existing Requirement, the tab label is "SM Integration (Details)". The parameter 2 specifies tab 2 (the second tab). If N tabs exist, then the number of a new tab should be N+1. This function is called when an existing requirement is shown in the dialog.

Sub SetReqField( FieldName, Vis, Req, PNo, VOrder )
  With Req_Fields(FieldName)

    .IsVisible = Vis

    .IsRequired = Req

    .PageNo = PNo

    .ViewOrder = VOrder

  End With
End Sub
Function GetNewReqPageName(PageName,PageNum)
  On Error Resume Next
  select case PageNum
    case "2"
      GetNewReqPageName = "SM Integration (New)"
  end select
  On Error GoTo 0
End Function
Function GetReqDetailsPageName(PageName,PageNum)
  On Error Resume Next
  select case PageNum
    case "2"
      GetReqDetailsPageName = "SM Integration (Details)"
  end select
  On Error GoTo 0
End Function 

The resulting script is shown in the following screenshot: