Administer > Status and notifications > Service Manager email solutions > Smart Email > Smart Email actions in HTML templates > Enable Smart Email actions for incident, problem, and request

Enable Smart Email actions for incident, problem, and request

Applies to User Roles:


In the out-of-box system, the following Smart Email actions are not enabled for the Incident, Request, and Problem modules:

  • "Add a Comment" and "Mark as Solved" actions when an incident, request, or problem is updated.
  • "Accept" and "Reject" actions when an incident, request, or problem is set as Resolved.

However, you can tailor your system to manually enable these Smart Email actions for incident, problem, and request.

Note In the current release, adding the "Approve" and "Deny" Smart Email actions for the Change module is not supported. The "Approve" and "Deny" actions can only work with the Interaction module as provided in the out-of-box system.

To enable the "Add a Comment" and "Mark as Solved" actions, following these steps:

  1. Add an HTML template for incident, problem, or request with the action buttons embedded. You can refer to the sd.require.comment template for interaction as an example.

  2. In the notification table, add a notification. You can refer to the "Activity Added" notification for interaction. You at least need to modify the Arguments and Activity Added field.

  3. In the activityactions table, add the notification that you created in the previous step to the "Update Activities" record for a module:

    1. Open the activityactions table, search for the "Update Activities" record for the corresponding module (the probsummary, rootcause, or request table).
    2. Locate the Name field as $apm.activity(for probsummary) or $pm.activity(for problem or request) and the Condition field as "Condition: not ($ …"
    3. Add the new notification to the Notification field and save your changes.

To enable the "Accept" and "Reject" actions, following these steps:

  1. Add a new rule set for incident, problem, or request.

  2. Add a rule for the rule set and set the rule type as Send HTML Email.

  3. Edit the condition for the rule. For example:

    Source in CurrentRecord = "5" AND Status in CurrentRecord = "Resolved"

  4. Select the following HTML template for the rule:

    • incident: IM.Resolution.with.action
    • problem: PM.Resolution.with.action
    • request: RM Fulfilled with Action
  5. Select the Recipients field as Current Record and Select Field and Filed Type to define the people who will receive emails with the Accept/Reject buttons.

  6. Save the rule and the rule set.
  7. Add the new rule set to the incident, problem, or request workflow under the Rule Sets tabs, and then save the workflow. For example, you can add the new incident rule set in the transition between the Recovery and Review phase of the Incident workflow.

    Note If you cannot save the workflow, you may need to copy the workflow (Tailoring >Process Designer >Copy Existing Workflow), add the new rule set, and then save. Also you need to change the workflow for the incident, problem, or request category to the new copied workflow.