Develop > Tailoring > Display functions > Display application > Restricting access to display options

Restricting access to display options

As a system administrator, you may wish to restrict users’ access to certain display options based on their system rights. This is accomplished by creating an expression in a displayoption record that determines who may use the option. This expression is constructed with capability words found in a user’s operator record. You may use existing capability words or create new ones that more narrowly define the restrictions.

To restrict access to a display option, perform the following steps:

  • Identify the option and the group to whom you want to deny access.
  • Define a capability word unique to the option.
  • Add your capability word to the operator records of all users to whom you wish to grant access to the option.
  • Create a condition expression in the displayoption record using your new capability word.

Related concepts

Display application
Selecting display options