Develop > Tailoring > Form creation > Format Control > Sequential numbering for Format Control > Create a database file for simple sequential numbers

Create a database file for simple sequential numbers

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

To create a database file for simple sequential numbers:

  1. Click Tailoring > Forms Designer.
  2. Type employees in the form field, and click Search.

    Service Manager opens the employees form.

  3. Click Create File in the More Actions menu.
  4. Type employees in the filename field.
  5. Click OK to create the new data file.
  6. Change the Employee ID field of the employee file to a number data type.
    1. Select the field with the cursor.
    2. Click Edit.
    3. Click number in the Type field menu.

    Important: A data type of number is required for all simple sequential numbering.

Related tasks

Create simple sequential numbers
Create the form for simple sequential numbers
Create a Format Control record for simple sequential numbers
Open the number file
Add a numbered record to the database file for simple sequential numbers