Administer > Database administration > Entity relationship management > Relationship Manager > Access the relationship definition of a relation record

Access the relationship definition of a relationship record

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

For relationships whose Definition Type is not manual, Relationship Manager provides a Goto Definition button, which enables you to view the relationship definition and update it if needed.

Note Manually created relationships, that is, relationships whose Definition Type is manual, do not have a Goto Definition button.

To access the relationship definition of a relationship, follow these steps:

  1. Navigate to Tailoring > Tailoring Tools > Relationship Manager.
  2. Complete the Table Name and Field Name fields.

    Note This step is optional. You can leave one or both of the fields empty.

  3. Click Search. A list of relationships is displayed.
  4. Select the relationship record from the list, and click Goto Definition in the toolbar of the relationship detail pane.
  5. View the relationship definition, and perform any of the following tasks if needed:
    • Update the relationship definition and then click Add to save it as a new relationship definition.
    • Update the relationship definition and click Save to save your changes to the existing relationship definition.
    • Click Delete to delete the relationship definition.

Related concepts

Relationship Manager