How to Add the CI Attribute to the Service Manager Table

The integration uses only a subset of the CI attributes available from your Service Manager system. Before creating a new Service Manager CI attribute, you should determine if there are any existing CI attributes in your Service Manager system that provide the data you want. In most cases, there is an existing attribute tracking the data you want to add to the integration. For example, if you review the attributes of the Computer CI type, you see that there are many attributes available to be added to the integration.

The following steps illustrate how to add a new CI attribute to an existing CI type.

The integration does not require any special steps to add a CI attribute to the Service Manager table. You can use the standard table attribute creation procedures to add a CI attribute. For more information on table attribute creation, see Service Manager Help Center and Service Manager Tailoring Best Practices.

To add a CI attribute to the Service Manager table:

  1. Log in to Service Manager as a system administrator.
  2. Navigate to Tailoring > Database Dictionary.
  3. In File Name, type the name of the table where you want to add the new CI attribute. For example, node.
  4. Click the Search button .

    The node dbdict record opens.

  5. Click the Fields tab.
  6. Click the New Field/Key button.

    The Add Attribute window opens.

  7. In Name, type the name you want to use for the new CI attribute. For example, os.manufacturer.

    Caution The name cannot include any of the following characters: ' / \ [ ] : | < > + = ; , ? *.

  8. In Type, select a type from the list. For example, select character.
  9. Click the Add Field button to save the attribute.
  10. Click the OK button to save attribute changes to the table.