Integrate > Micro Focus UCMDB > Using the ServiceManagerEnhancedAdapter9.41 Adapter > Standards and Best Practices > Frequently Asked Questions > What Is the Purpose of the <container> Element in the Population Configuration File (smPopConf.xml)?

What Is the Purpose of the <container> Element in the Population Configuration File (smPopConf.xml)?

Out-of-the-box, the smPopConf.xml file has a container element.

<tql name="SM RunningSoftware Population 2.0" citype="running_software">
  <request  type="Retrieve" dataType="ci"
    changedCreationQueryCondition=";'{fromDate}' and istatus~=&quot;Retired/Consumed&quot;"
    changedUpdateQueryCondition=";='{fromDate}' and devicemodtime&gt;'{fromDate}' and istatus~=&quot;Retired/Consumed&quot;"
    changedDeletionQueryCondition="devicemodtime&gt;'{fromDate}' and istatus=&quot;Retired/Consumed&quot;"/>            
    <container tql="SM Computer Population 2.0" 
      linkTql="SM Computer Composition Software 2.0"
      linkRetrieveCondition=";$$$&quot; and upstreamci.type=&quot;computer&quot; and downstreamci.type=&quot;runningsoftware&quot; and relationship.subtype=&quot;Composition&quot;"
  • In UCMDB, RunningSoftware CIs must exist together with a Root Container (Node); however, Service Manager allows RunningSoftware CIs without a Node.
  • The integration adapter synchronizes CIs and Relationships separately; when populating a RunningSoftware CI, the integration has no chance to check if a relationship exists between the CI and a Node.

With the <container> element, the integration populates RunningSoftware CIs together with a container.