Administer > Application Setup > Views and favorites administration > Autoformatting > Add a new autoformatting rule

Add a new autoformatting rule

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

To add a new autoformatting rule, follow these steps:

  1. From the System Navigator, click Service Desk > Interaction Queue.
  2. From the Queue menu, select Approval to open the Approval Queue.
  3. Click More or the More Actions icon, and then Customize Current View.

    The Configure View Properties wizard opens.

  4. Click the Autoformat button.
  5. Click the Add Rule button to open a new autoformat rule.

    1. Type a name in the name field.
    2. Select a color from the list in the Color field.
    3. Select a field for your new rule in the Field list.
    4. Select an operator in the Operator field, such as starts with.
    5. In the next field, select a comparison value, such as a to establish the rule starts with the letter a.
  6. Click Next to view a list of current rule definitions. The Configure Autoformat Rules form opens.

    You can use this form to perform the following operations:

    • Add, edit, or remove autoformatting rules
    • Move the order of rules up or down; the first in the order overrides the others
    • Return to the main Configure View Properties wizard form
  7. Click Next to return to Configure View Properties.
  8. Click Next for the new rule to take effect.

    The records that match your rule criteria now display in the color selected for this rule.