Administer > Application Setup > Views and favorites administration > Autoformatting > Edit an autoformatting rule

Edit an autoformatting rule

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

To edit an autoformatting rule, follow these steps:

  1. From the System Navigator, click Service Desk > Interaction Queue.
  2. From the Queue list, click Approval to open the Approval Queue.
  3. From the next Queue menu, click Incident to view the Incident queue.
  4. From the next View menu, select a view, such as Autoformat date view.

    Note the existing autoformatting rules defined.

  5. Click More or the More Actions icon, then Customize Current View.

    The Configure View Properties wizard opens.

  6. Click the Autoformat button.
  7. Select a rule to edit and click the Edit button.

    The Autoformat Rule wizard opens.

  8. In the name field, you can optionally change the name of the rule.
  9. For the rule to be active, select the Is Active check box. For the rule to be inactive, clear the Is Active check box.
  10. In the Color field, you can optionally modify the color in which the rule appears in the queue by using the color selections.
  11. Optionally modify the field name by using the field selections.
  12. In the Operator field, you can optionally modify the operator to use for this rule.

    Valid options for operators in autoformatting rules are:

    • On
    • On or After
    • On or Before
    • Is Between
  13. You can optionally modify the date in the date field by selecting a date using the calendar widget or by manually typing in a new date.
  14. Click Next to view your modified rule definition.
  15. Click Finish.
  16. From Specify View Type, select Save as a system view or  Save as a personal view.
  17. Click Finish to return to the Incident queue and view your changes.