Administer > Application Setup > Process Designer > Process Designer security model > Roles in the operator record > Add a setting within an area

Add a setting within an area

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

You can add a new setting, such as record or format, in the area. A role inherits the new setting from the area when the new setting for the area is not already defined in the role. For example, this is useful when you want to have role within an area to have additional access to system data or another form.

When you add a new setting, it is only inherited when you add a new role.

To add a setting within an area, follow these steps:

  1. Click System Administration > Security > Areas.
  2. Add optional search criteria and then click Search.
  3. Click the area to update.
  4. Click More or the More Actions icon and then select Administration > Add New Setting.
  5. In the New Setting Info wizard, provide the following:

    • Id: Uniquely identifies the setting so that it can be referenced programmatically.
    • Display Label: Defines display label for the setting.
    • Description: Describes the setting.
    • Type: Select the type of data used by the setting to match the type of setting you are creating. For the type selections, the format of the field on the form depends on the type you select. For example, if you choose boolean, then the setting displays a check box and if you select record, the setting displays as a text field. When you select some of the types, the system prompts you for additional information. For example:

      • If you select Record, you are also prompted to specify the table and field name for the record.
      • If you select Manual List, you are prompted to provide a display type and a name - value pair to display in the list. The Value is the field name in the table and Display Value provides the list of items in the drop-down list for the field.
      • If you select Global List, you are prompted to provide a Global List and Display Type for the Global List.
  6. Specify whether or not the setting is mandatory. When checked, a value is required for the setting you are adding.

  7. Click Next.
  8. In Adding Settings Validation, add an optional validation script.
  9. Click Finish.