Administer > Application Setup > Process Designer > Process Designer security model > Roles in the operator record > Localize an additional setting

Localize an additional setting

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

Once you add a new setting, such as record or format, you can localize the setting for all of the languages that are active in the system.

To add a setting within an area, follow these steps:

  1. Click System Administration > Security > Areas.
  2. Add optional search criteria and then click Search.
  3. Click the area to update.
  4. Click More or the More Actions icon and then select Administration > Edit/Delete Setting.
  5. In the Edit Setting Info wizard, click Edit localized label. A list of the messages displays for the user's current language.
  6. Click the item you want to localize and then type the applicable text to localize the label you created for the setting.
  7. Click Save.
  8. Continue selecting items until you have localized all the labels for the languages active in the system.
  9. To localize the data in the settings for global lists or manual lists, use the record tag localization utility.