Task 1. Install Service Manager Service Portal on all nodes

In this task, you will install a Service Manager Service Portal instance on all nodes in the cluster.

Step 1. Register each node to the Red Hat Subscription service

You need to register each node to the Red Hat Subscription service. For more information, see Register your system to the Red Hat Subscription service.

To register a node, follow these steps:

  1. Log in to your Red Hat 7.2 system as root.
  2. Run the following command followed by the credentials used to log in to Red Hat Customer Portal:

    subscription-manager register
  3. Run the following command:

    subscription-manager attach --auto

Step 2. Unzip the installation package on each node

On each node, run the following commands to unzip the Service Manager Service Portal installation package:

# mkdir /opt/hp
# cd /opt/hp
# unzip propel_complete_installer.zip

Step 3. Install Ansible on each node

On each node, run the following commands:

# cd /opt/hp/propel_complete_installer
# ./install_ansible.sh --proxy http://<proxy host>:<port>

Step 4. Prepare SSH connectivity for the root user to run Ansible playbooks

In this step, you will generate an SSH pubic key and copy the key to all nodes in the cluster. This key will be used by the root user to log in from the load balancer node to other nodes. The purpose of this step is to enable the root user on the load balancer node to log in to the other nodes in the cluster without being prompted for a password.

On the load balancer node, run the following commands:

# ssh-keygen -t rsa
# ssh-copy-id root@<LB node host FQDN>
# ssh-copy-id root@<application node 1 FQDN>
# ssh-copy-id root@<application node 2 FQDN>
# ssh-copy-id root@<master DB node FQDN>
# ssh-copy-id root@<slave DB node FQDN>
# mkdir /opt/hp/propel_complete_installer/ansible_content/ssh
# cd /opt/hp/propel_complete_installer/ansible_content/ssh
# cp ~/.ssh/* .
# cp id_rsa id_rsa-propel

Step 5. Run Ansible playbooks to prepare all nodes

In this step, you will configure an ansible_targets file on the load balancer node to set all cluster nodes as the Ansible targets and then run a command to run installation required Ansible playbooks on all of the configured nodes.

On the load balancer node, do the following:

  1. Run the following commands:

    # cd /opt/hp/propel_complete_installer/ansible_content/
    # vim /opt/hp/propel_complete_installer/ansible_content/ansible_targets
  2. In the ansible_targets file, add the following content:

    <LB node host FQDN> ansible_ssh_user=root ansible_ssh_private_key_file=./ssh/id_rsa-propel
    <application node 1 FQDN> ansible_ssh_user=root ansible_ssh_private_key_file=./ssh/id_rsa-propel
    <application node 2 FQDN> ansible_ssh_user=root ansible_ssh_private_key_file=./ssh/id_rsa-propel
    <master DB node FQDN> ansible_ssh_user=root ansible_ssh_private_key_file=./ssh/id_rsa-propel
    <slave DB node FQDN> ansible_ssh_user=root ansible_ssh_private_key_file=./ssh/id_rsa-propel
  3. Run the following command:

    # ansible-playbook -i ansible_targets deploy_rhel_complete.yml --extra-vars "http_proxy=http://<web proxy host>:<port> https_proxy=https://<web proxy host>:<port>"

Step 6. Install Service Manager Service Portal on each node

On each node, run the following commands to install Service Manager Service Portal:

# cd /opt/hp/propel_complete_installer
# unzip propel-setup*.zip -d /opt/hp/
# cd /opt/hp/propel-setup*/
# ./propel-ssl-setup.sh auto --hostname `hostname --fqdn` 2>&1 | tee ssl-setup.log
# ./setup.sh install `hostname --fqdn` 2>&1 | tee install.log

Step 7. Start Service Manager Service Portal on each node

On each node, do the following:

  1. Run the following command to start Service Manager Service Portal:

    # propel start
  2. Run the following command to check that all of the 35 services are active:

    # propel status

Step 8. Run Ansible playbooks to finalize the installation

The Ansible playbook scripts should be installed onto and run from the load balancer server.

On the load balancer node, run the Ansible playbooks to finalize the Service Manager Service Portal installation:

# cd /opt/hp/propel_complete_installer/ansible_content/
# ansible-playbook -i ansible_targets configure.yml --tags "initLWSSO" --extra-vars '{"lwsso_init_string":"LWSSO_INIT_STRING"}'
# ansible-playbook -i ansible_targets configure.yml --tags "enableChat" --extra-vars '{"toggle_chat":"on","chat_url":"https://<Apache server host>/chatui"}'
# ansible-playbook -i ansible_targets configure.yml --tags "enableSurvey" --extra-vars '{"toggle_survey":"on","service_manager_url":"http://<SM server host FQDN>:<port>"}'
# ansible-playbook -i ansible_targets configure.yml --tags "overrideDoc" --extra-vars '{"doc_mode":"sm"}'
# ansible-playbook -i ansible_targets configure.yml --tags "enableServices" --extra-vars '{"toggle_services":"off"}'


  • LWSSO_INIT_STRING must match the initString value in the lwssofmconfig.xml file located in the Service Manager Server's RUN directory.
  • <Apache server host> must be the FQDN of the Apache server that you installed when deploying Service Manager Collaboration.

  • http://<SM server host FQDN>:<port> must be the Service Manager Server web service base URL. For example: http://mysmserverhost.mycompany.net:13080.

Step 9. Restart Service Manager Service Portal on each node

On each node, do the following:

  1. Run the following commands to restart the application:

    # propel stop
    # propel start
  2. Run the following command to check the status of services:

    # propel status 

    Note Check that 37 services, including the survey and survey-ui services, are active.

Step 10. Verify the installation on each node

On each node, try logging in to Service Manager Service Portal with both the Consumer and Provider URLs and the corresponding user accounts. If the installation on a node is successful, you should be able to log in to the application on that node.

URL User account

One of the following:

  • https://<LB node host FQDN>:9000/org/CONSUMER
  • https://<application node 1 FQDN>:9000/org/CONSUMER
  • https://<application node 2 FQDN>:9000/org/CONSUMER
  • https://<master DB node FQDN>:9000/org/CONSUMER
  • https://<slave DB node FQDN>:9000/org/CONSUMER

One of the following:

  • https://<LB node host FQDN>:9000/org/Provider
  • https://<application node 1 FQDN>:9000/org/Provider
  • https://<application node 2 FQDN>:9000/org/Provider
  • https://<master DB node FQDN>:9000/org/Provider
  • https://<slave DB node FQDN>:9000/org/Provider