How the new CTI method works

The new CTI implementation enables Service Manager to receive requests from the CTI application as system events. The out-of-box system events are described in the following table.

Tip To access the system events, enter db in the Service Manager command line and press Enter to open the Database Manager, and then enter SystemEvents in the Table field and then click Search.

System event Call application Call script Description
EditIncident script.execute.event EditIncident Edit the specified incident
EditInteraction script.execute.event EditInteraction Edit the specified interaction
ReceiveIncident script.execute.event ReceiveIncident Create a new incident
ReceiveInteraction script.execute.event ReceiveInteraction Create a new interaction
ReceiveInteractionStreamlined script.execute.event ReceiveInteractionStreamlined Create a new streamlined interaction
ReceiveInteractionList script.execute.event ReceiveInteractionList Search interactions based on the specified criteria

Each of these system events calls the script.execute.event RAD application, which calls a same-name script to fulfill the system event. These scripts are defined in the scripts table.

Tip To access these scripts, enter scripts in the Service Manager command line, and then press Enter. To access a specific script, in the Script Name field, enter the script name (for example, ReceiveInteraction), and then click Search.

Each of these scripts defines the mapping between parameters and fields in the Interaction or Incident dbdict (incidents or probsummary). The following figure shows the mapping defined in the ReceiveInteraction script. For example, the Caller Name parameter is mapped to the field in the incidents dbdict.

The following diagram shows how the new CTI method works.

The working process is as follows:

  1. The user is logged in to the Service Manager web tier client with the telephony URL. For example:


    Note To take a telephony call, the user must be logged in to the Service Manager web client; otherwise the call is ignored.

  2. The user's client system takes a telephone call.
  3. The CTI application is triggered to call a VBA function (for example, CreateInteraction). The parameters defined in the function are sent along with the web tier telephony URL.

    The URL uses the following syntax:

    http://<SM web tier host>:<port>/<SM web tier name>/telephony.html?SystemEvent=”EVENTNAME”,”Parameter1”,”Parameter1 Value”,”Parameter2”,”Parameter2 Value”, … “Parameterx”, “Parameterx Value”

    For example:

    http://smwebtierhost:8080/webtier-9.50/telephony.html?SystemEvent=”ReceiveInteraction”,”Caller Name”,”AGENT SERVICEDESK”,”Category Type”,”incident”
  4. Service Manager receives the request as a system event (for example, a system event named ReceiveInteraction).
  5. The web server calls the script.execute.event RAD application, which calls the script with the same name of the system event (for example, ReceiveInteraction).
  6. The Document Engine creates a new record or edits an existing record based on the parameter-field mapping defined in the script.

Tip For information about how to use and test this method, see How to use the new CTI method and How to test the new CTI method.