Display options and display events

The Upgrade Utility upgrades the display components in the same manner as all other components. The displayoption table and the displayevent table have a unique identifier, stored in the ID field. The upgrade process assigns an ID to every display option following the pattern: <screen id>_<action>_<number>, where the screen ID and action are from the display option (or event), and the number is an optional field added when multiple options have the same screen ID and action.

If options that have been added to your system have the same action as others in the same display screen, the upgrade process assigns a <number> in the order of the options' GUI option number.

If an added option was not the last option in terms of GUI option number, the upgrade process does not add the additional numbers in the ID field in the same order as they would have for an out-of-box system. The upgrade process renames the added option and any option after it (in GUI option order), it does not upgrade them automatically.

To ensure that this type of renaming does not happen in future upgrades, when performing conflict resolution on these options, use the ID of the renamed option, NEW950<screen id>_<action>_<number> and manually change the identifier of the added options. Rename all other options to match the ID of the renamed ones.

When renaming an option, use an identifier to specify that this is a customized option, added for your installation. For example, an ID might look like: “apm.edit.problem_do nothing_ACME1”.

This table gives an example of part of the display screen conflict resolution for apm.edit.problem.

Example conflict resolution for the apm.edit.problem display option
Screen ID GUI Action Upgrade Action  


do nothing


Name: apm.edit.problem_do_nothing_1

Result: This item was updated correctly.

User Action: No action necessary.


do nothing


Name: apm.edit.problem_do_nothing_2

Result: This item was updated correctly.

User Action: No action necessary.


This is an option you added.

do nothing


Name: apm.edit.problem_do_nothing_3

Result: This item was renamed. It is your customized option.

User Action: Rename this object to give it a unique new name, such as: apm.edit.problem_do_nothing_ACME1

Name: NEW950apm.edit.problem_do_nothing_3

Result: This is the new SM 9.50 option.

User Action: Perform conflict resolution.

To perform conflict resolution, open apm.edit.problem and look at the options. Compare this option with apm.edit.problem_do_nothing_3 and NEW950apm.edit.problem_do_nothing_3


do nothing

The upgrade ignores this option.

Result: This option does not appear in the reports.

User Action: Perform conflict resolution.

To perform conflict resolution, open apm.edit.problem and look at the options. Compare this option with apm.edit.problem_do_nothing_3 and NEW950apm.edit.problem_do_nothing_3