Upgrade > Upgrade the applications > Upgrade tasks on the production environment > Step 1: Apply the custom upgrade to the production environment

Step 1: Apply the custom upgrade to the production environment

After you test the custom upgrade on the test system, you need to apply the newly-created custom upgrade to your production system. This process is identical to the one you followed when applying your upgrade to your test system.

Note Do not apply an upgrade to your production system if it has not been thoroughly tested. If issues were found in the custom upgrade, HPE recommends you to fix the issues in the development system and re-create the customer upgrade.

To apply the custom upgrade to the production system, follow these steps:

  1. Make sure the production system is not be available to users while you are applying the custom upgrade.

    1. Have all users log out of the server.
    2. Prevent users from logging into your Service Manager server by running the sm -quiesce:1 quiesce command from the operating system’s command prompt.
  2. Ensure the upgrade files you created are accessible to the production system (the files are located on the same server).
  3. If you transfer the files to your production system by FTP, set FTP to binary mode.
  4. Complete all the preparation tasks in Upgrade tasks on the development environment.
  5. Apply the customer upgrade to the production system.

    Note If you experience problems, such as a power failure or a network connection error while upgrading the system, you need to restore the database before attempting to run the upgrade again.

  6. Log out from your Service Manager server, and then log in again.
  7. Allow users to log in to the server by running the sm -quiesce:0 quiesce command from the operating system’s command prompt.