Use > Change Management > Change Management workflows and user tasks > Return a change request to the requester

Return a change request to the requester

Applies to User Roles:

Change Coordinator

If the information in the change form is not complete, you may contact the requester to get the missing information and then enter it in the Updates section of the change record. If the change is assigned to the wrong support group, you should return it to the requester by changing the phase back to Change Registration and Categorization and then contacting the requester to have the requester correct the change record. The requester then places the request in the next phase of the change workflow.

To return a change request to the requester, follow these steps:

  1. From your To Do queue, select Change from the Queue list, and then select My Open Changes from the View list.
  2. Click a change request from the record list.
  3. Open the Updates section and select the type of update in the New Update Type field.
  4. Type the reason for returning the change in the New Update field.
  5. Click More or the More Actions icon and then select Change Phase.
  6. Double-click the Registration and Categorization phase.

    The change is returned to this phase.

  7. Contact the requester (by telephone or email) to let the requester know that the change was returned to the Registration and Categorization phase and that the requester must correct it.

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