Integrate > Micro Focus Operations Orchestration (OO) > Automated fulfillment of request tasks

Automated fulfillment of request tasks

Service Manager 9.40 or later provides an enhanced integration with Operations Orchestration (OO) that allows users to link request tasks to OO flows. This enables users to implement automated fulfillment of request tasks by manually or automatically launching OO flows.

You can add OO flow links to the "Automation" tasks planned in request models. Then, when the request tasks are opened in request records, the OO flows are automatically executed or you can manually launch the OO flows, depending on the configuration of the OO flow links. Or, you can add an OO flow to a request task directly from a request record.

Note In the out-of-box environment, this feature is only supported for the tasks in the Automation category.

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Micro Focus Operations Orchestration (OO)

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