Add an Operations Orchestration integration

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator


To use the Service Manager to OO integration, you must add and enable an instance of this integration in Integration Manager. Optionally, you can enable Lightweight Single Sign-On (LW-SSO) in OO and in Service Manager to bypass the log-in prompts.

To add and enable a Service Manager to OO integration instance:

  1. Log on to the Service Manager Windows or Web client.
  2. Click Tailoring > Integration Manager. Integration Instance Manager opens.
  3. Click Add. The Integration Template Selection wizard opens.
  4. Select SMOO from the Integration Template list. Ignore the Import Mapping check box, which has no effect on this integration.

  5. Click Next. The Integration Instance Information page opens.
  6. Complete the following fields as necessary.
    Name (required)User-defined. Default: SMOO.Name of the integration instance.
    Version (required)1.1Version number of the integration.
    Interval Time (s) (required)User-defined. For example: 600.Polling interval (in seconds) for Operations Orchestration flow synchronization.
    Max Retry Times (required)Enter 0 (zero) for this field.Maximum allowed number of retries if the background scheduler fails to run. SMOO does not use this value.
    SM ServerEnter a name that identifies your Service Manager server host. For example, sm_host1.Display name for your Service Manager server host.
    Endpoint ServerEnter a name that identifies your Operations Orchestration server host. For example, oo_host1.Display name for your Operations Orchestration server host.
    Log Level (required)Select a level from the drop-down list. Default: INFO.Level of diagnostic information that the Service Manager server logs to the log file directory. The possible log levels are: DEBUG, INFO (default), WARNING, ERROR, and OFF.
    Log File Directory (required)Specify a directory. For example: c: \smoologs.This is a directory that exists on the Service Manager server host where log files of the Service Manager to OO integration are stored. The log files are generated in the following format: SMOO-<yyyy><mm><dd>.log (for example, SMOO-20100328.log)
    Note: If you specify a directory that does not exist, the log files will get lost; if you do not specify a directory, the Service Manager to OO integration will not work.
    Run at system startupSelected/not selectedAutomatically enable/disable the integration instance when the Service Manager server is started.
    DescriptionMicro Focus Operations Orchestration flows linked to Service Manager.Description of the integration instance.

  7. Click Next. The Integration Instance Parameters page opens.
  8. Click the General Parameters and Secure Parameters tabs, and modify the parameter values as shown in the table below:

    Server address of Operations Orchestration Central: https://[servername]:[port]. Note that [servername] should be the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the Operations Orchestration server host.

    Note SSL is recommended for communication between the servers.

    Note If you are using OO 10.x, mark the Enable Authentication check box to ensure the integration API can pass the authentication.

    User name of the Operations Orchestration user account that the Service Manager server uses to access Operations Orchestration Central to synchronize and launch OO flows.

    Note If domain user accounts are used for OO login, you need to specify a domain user account by using the DOMAIN\username format (for example, Internal\admin); otherwise Service Manager will fail to connect to the OO server.

    Note For security reason, we recommend that you only grant the necessary rights to the user account that is used in the integration.





    Password of

    basepath.delimiterDelimiter between multiple basepaths. The default delimiter is a semicolon (;).;


    The paths are separated by the basepath delimiter. Only the OO flows under the basepath and its sub-folders will be synchronized from OO.

    /Library/ITIL/Change Management;/Library/ ITIL/Incident Management
    Accept-LanguageREST Request Language Settingen
    http.conn.timeoutHttp Connection Timeout setting (seconds)30
    http.rec.timeoutHttp Receive Timeout setting (seconds)30
    OOKMSet to true/false to enable/disable the visibility of this integration instance in Knowledge Management (default: true).true or false
    OOCMSet to true/false to enable/disable the visibility of the OO integration instance in Change Management (default: true).true or false

  9. Click Next twice and then click Finish. Leave the Integration Instance Mapping and Integration Instance Fields settings blank. This integration does not use these settings.

    Service Manager creates the instance. You can edit, enable, disable, or delete it in Integration Manager.

  10. Enable the integration instance.
  11. Optionally:
    • Configure LW-SSO in Operations Orchestration.
    • Configure LW-SSO in Service Manager

Related topics

Integration Manager
Integration Instance Information fields
Enable SSL connection from Service Manager to Operations Orchestration
Micro Focus Operations Orchestration (OO)
Operations Orchestration flow synchronization rules

Enable LW-SSO for the Operations Orchestration integration
Configure LW-SSO in the Service Manager Web tier
Enable or disable an integration instance
Monitor integration instance status