Develop > Document Engine > Objects > Object Definition form and fields > Approvals tab field descriptions

Approvals tab field descriptions

The Approvals tab sets approval options and their associated notifications for the Object. Approvals are defined in the ApprovalDef file.

The field descriptions for the Approvals tab are:

Field Name Description

Approval condition


If the approval condition evaluates to true, approvals are used on the Object's records.

Approval location


Indicates where the approval information is stored: record, phase, object, or category.

Approval field name

The field name that contains the actual Approval name within the table that is defined in the Approval location.

Approval status field


The field in the current record in which to store the approval status.

Approval groups


Stores a variable to contain the groups the current user must belong to in order to issue approvals for this Object.

Approval type


For a list of available approval types and their descriptions, see What is an approval type?.

Approval notification


Select the notification to run if the request is approved.

Denial notification


Select the notification to run if one approver denies the request.

Retraction notification


Select the notification to run when retracting a previous action.

Final approval notification


Select the notification to send once the final approval is granted.

Final denial notification


Select the notification to send when the request is denied.

Approval FC


Specifies the name of the Format Control record to run upon approval.

Approval process


Select the Process to run when the record is approved.

Denial process


Select the Process that runs when the record is denied.

Preapprove on open


Determines whether the record should be automatically approved.

If the condition is true and the user belongs to one of the pending approval groups, the approval is processed automatically. If the user does not belong to one of the pending approval groups, the approval does not occur automatically and must then go through the regular approval process. Defaults to true.

Log approvals?


Select this check box to log the history of approvals in the ApprovalLog table.

Require appr. comments


If checked, approval comments are requested from the approver.

Aggregate approvals?


If checked, approvals are cumulative.

Recalculate approvals if


Specifies the conditions that determine whether or not to recalculate the conditions on the existing approvals.

Reset approvals if


Determines when to delete existing approvals and recalculate all conditions.