Use > Service Manager Collaboration > UI navigation > Chat request panel (End User Chat only)

Chat request panel (End User Chat only)

The chat request panel is illustrated in the following screenshot:

Callouts Component Description
1 Assignment group tab Displays the pending chat request list of a chat assignment group that a Service Manager Service Desk agent belongs to.
2 Chat request notification Symbolizes that there are new chat requests for the inactive assignment group.
3 Chat request

Displays the brief information of a pending chat request, including the full name of chat request submitter, the brief description of the chat request and how long the submitter has been waiting. The incoming chat requests are displayed in chronological order in this list.

4 Accept chat request

Click to accept a chat request and open the conversation window. The accepted chat request disappears from the Chat Request list.

Note The Accept button is disabled due to the following possible causes:

  • The chat request is accepted by another IT agent. The agents who failed to accept this chat request receives a system message this request has already been accepted.
  • The end user canceled the chat request.

To remove the accepted chat request from the Chat Request list, close the chat request panel and open it again.

5 More Click or hover your mouse to display the preview of the related chat request. For more information about how to customize the preview information, see Customize the chat request preview information.
6 Previous/Next Click to browse through the chat requests in the current assignment group.