Define the change category to use globally for subscriptions

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

If your system is designed to handle subscription requests through Change Management, you can define the change category Service Manager uses for subscriptions at a global level by updating the Configuration Management environment record.

Caution  If your system is designed to handle subscription requests through Service Catalog, you will need to use Service Catalog options to control how subscription requests are handled.

To define the change category to use globally for subscriptions, follow these steps:

  1. Click System Administration > Ongoing Maintenance > Environment Records > Configuration Management Environment. The Configuration Management environment record opens.

  2. To define the change category Service Manager uses when a user subscribes to a subscription, select a change category from the Subscription Add list in the Change Categories for Subscriptions area.
  3. To define the change category Service Manager uses when a user unsubscribes to a subscription, select a change category from the Subscription Remove list in the Change Categories for Subscriptions area.
  4. Click Save.
  5. Click OK. Service Manager updates the Configuration Management environment record.

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Service life cycle management
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