Enable Knowledge Management search

This section provides instructions for enabling Knowledge Management (KM) search in Service Manager Service Portal. Two different scenarios are covered based on which search engine is enabled in SM.

Scenario 1: Service Manager uses the SOLR search engine

This section provides instructions for setting up KM Solr Search Engine and installing the Solr plugin for IDOL search.

Task 1: Setting Up KM Solr Search Engine

Make sure that you complete the following tasks in SM to enable KM Solr search engine for KM:

  1. Install KM Solr search engine. For detailed instructions, see Install and configure the Solr Search Engine.

  2. Complete KM indexing.

    The KMUpdate process controls indexing. Use SM’s Update Indexes form to stop and restart indexing, and to view the status statistics related to indexing. To access this form, from the Service Manager navigator menu, select Knowledge Management > Configuration > Update Indexes.

    For help with indexing, see the topic "indexing the knowledgebases" in Service Manager Help Center.

    Tip To quickly verify that KMUpdate is running, type status in the Command window to display all processes currently running.

Task 2: Configuring Steps – After Service Manager Service Portal Installation

Perform the following steps to configure KM after the Service Manager Service Portal installation.

  1. On the Service Manager Service Portal VM, stop the Micro Focus SX UI service:

    # systemctl stop sx-client-ui

  2. Add the following lines to the SM's sm.cfg file. This configuration avoids using web services over the SM LoadBalancer port, which is often port 13080:

    # Propel: port used by Catalog Aggregation and Catalog microservices
    sm -httpPort:21090 -httpsPort:21493 –debugnode
    –log:../logs/sm-propel-2.20.log –sslConnector:1 ssl:0

    This configuration allows connecting either with SSL (port 21493) or without SSL (port 21090).

  3. Service Manager Service Portal integration with SM’s KM module will use both the KM Search Engine and an SM integration servlet to gather the documents and related attachments. Determine which port the master KM Search Engine uses as follows: from the SM navigator menu, select Knowledge Management > Configuration > Configure Search Servers, then click Search. By default, this will be port 8080.
  4. On the Service Manager Service Portal VM, modify the /opt/hp/propel/sxClientUI/app.json file. The following partial example shows modifications to the knowledge section:

    }, "knowledge": {
    "mount": "/api/km",
    "kmUrl": "http://SM_Solr_Server:8380",
    "kmContextPath": "/KMCores",
    "kmStrictSSL": true,
    "kmSecureProtocol": "TLSv1_method",
    "kmCa": "/opt/hp/propel/security/CA.crt",
    "kmAttachUrl": "https://SM_SERVER:21493",
    "kmAttachContextPath": "/SM/9/rest",
    "kmAttachStrictSSL": false,
    "kmAttachSecureProtocol": "TLSv1_method",
    "kmAttachCa": "/opt/hp/propel/security/CA.crt",
    "kmAttachUsername": "falcon",
    "kmAttachPassword": "",

    Where SM_SERVER is the fully qualified hostname of the SM server. Other considerations for configuring the knowledge section are:

    • The KMUrl property contains the host and port of the SM SOLR server. The default SM SOLR port is 8380, but the port number can vary.
    • The kmAttachUrl property can also use port 21090, but then https should be changed to http.
    • The default value for the kmAttachStrictSSL property is true, but this needs to be set to false in case self-signed SSL certificates are used.
    • The kmAttachUsername property contains the SM integration account. This can be a clone of the falconSM user.
  5. Load the Service Manager Service Portal VM's CA-signed certificate into the SM system’s keystore. The general steps to do this are:
    1. Copy the Service Manager Service Portal VM’s /opt/hp/propel/security/CA.crt file to the SM system’s /tmp directory.
    2. On the SM system, import the Service Manager Service Portal CA-signed certificate:

      # keytool –import –file /tmp/CA.crt –alias Propel_CA –trustcacerts –keystore <SM-KEYSTORE-PATH>/cacerts

      Where SM-KEYSTORE-PATH is the location of the cacerts file on the SM system.

    3. On the SM system, restart SM:

      # service sm restart

  6. Load the SM system’s CA-signed certificate into the Service Manager Service Portal VM’s keystore. The general steps to do this are:
    1. Copy the SM system’s CA.crt file to the Service Manager Service Portal VM’s /tmp directory.
    2. On the Service Manager Service Portal VM, import the SM CA-signed certificate:

      # keytool –import –file /tmp/CA.crt –alias SM_CA –trustcacerts –keystore /usr/lib/jvm/java-1.8.0/jre/lib/security/cacerts

    3. On the Service Manager Service Portal VM, start the Micro Focus SX UI service:

      # systemctl restart sx-client-ui

Task 3: Solr Plugin Installation and Configuration

To configure SM and KM to work with Service Manager Service Portal Search, you must install the Solr plugin and configure it to send changes to Service Manager Service Portal Search.

SM indexes KM articles to Solr. Service Manager Service Portal has a plugin to Solr, so all articles written to Solr are sent to Service Manager Service Portal, which indexes it to IDOL.

Solr Plugin Installation Steps

  1. On the Service Manager Service Portal VM, copy the /opt/hp/propel/search/propel-solr-plugin.zip file to the SM/KM machine.
  2. Unzip the propel-solr-plugin.zip file. The contents are:
  3. Copy the .jar files to your primary search server. That is, copy propel-solr-plugin-1.2.0.jar, jackson-mapper-asl-1.9.13.jar, jackson-core-asl-1.9.13.jar, and jasypt-1.9.2.jar to <Primary_Search_Server>\Search_Engine\tomcat\webapps\KMCores\WEB-INF\lib\.
  4. Edit the <Primary_Search_Server_Home>\Service Manager 9.xx\Search_Engine\kmsearchengine\KMCores\kmcore\conf\solrconfig.xml file to add an updateRequestProcessorChain:

    Add updateRequestProcessorChain to solrconfig.xml File Example

    <updateRequestProcessorChain name="propelSearch" default="true">
    <processor class="com.hp.propel.solr.plugin.PropelPushUpdateFactory">
    <str name="baseUrl">https://{Hostname:Port}/api/search/v1/article</str>
    <str name="username">searchTransportUser</str>
    <str name="password">{Password}</str>
    <str name="tenant">Provider</str>
    <processor class="solr.RunUpdateProcessorFactory"/>


    • Hostname is the hostname of the Service Manager Service Portal server.
    • Port is the port defined for the search.endpoint parameter in the /opt/hp/propel-install/setup.properties file on the Service Manager Service Portal server. The port number is visible in the Service Manager Service Portal Search services /opt/hp/propel/search/search.yml configuration file, and is 9040 by default.

    • Password is the password for searchTransportUser. (The default password is searchTransportUser.
  5. Update the same solrconfig.xml and modify the requestHandler.

    Modify requestHandler in solrconfig.xml File Example

    <requestHandler name="/update" class="solr.XmlUpdateRequestHandler">
    <lst name="defaults">
    <str name="update.processor">propelSearch</str>

    Example content for steps 4 and 5 (compared with an out-of-the-box solrconfig.xml file):

  6. Restart KM.
  7. Restart SM.
  8. In the SM client, reindex KM.
    1. Select Knowledge Management -> Administration -> Environment.
    2. Check SRC.
    3. Select the Search Server Name.
    4. Click Full Reindex.

  9. In the SM client, reindex the KM Libraries:
    1. Select Knowledge Management -> Knowledgebases.
    2. Click on each of the libraries, and then click Full Reindex.

Scenario 2: Service Manager uses Smart Analytics as the search engine

This section provides instructions for enabling KM search in Service Manager Service Portall when Smart Analytics is enabled in SM.

Task 1: Setting up Smart Analytics in SM

Make sure that you complete the following tasks in SM to enable Smart Search for KM:

  1. Install Smart Analytics for SMSP successfully. For instructions, see Set up Smart Analytics for Service Manager Service Portal.
  2. Enable Smart Analytics.
  3. Configure Smart Search and complete a full indexing.

Tip For more information, see Install and configure Smart Analytics.

Once you finish the full indexing in SM and SM can search from knowledge library by using Smart Search, go to the next task to set the “smaEnabled” flag in Service Manager Service Portal.

Task 2: Configuring Service Manager Service Portal

To configure Service Manager Service Portal to use Smart Analytics as the search engine, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the VM that installs the search and sxClientUI services.
  2. Stop the search and sxClientUI services.
  3. Open and edit the /opt/hp/propel/search/search.yml file:

    1. Set the "smaEnabled" parameter to "true" as shown in the following example:

      smaEnabled: true
    2. For each IDOL component, change the hostname value to the address of the single IDOL server (Smart Analytics) and update the port accordingly:

          hostname: localhost
          port: 14000	
          hostname: localhost
          port: 14001
          queryPort: 14000
          hostname: localhost
          port: 7000
          hostname: localhost
          port: 16000
          hostname: localhost
          port: 14051
          queryPort: 14050

      Refer to the following table to locate the port number for each component in Smart Analytics.

      Component Where to locate the port number

      Location: <Smart Analytics installation>/IDOL/IDOLServer.cfg


      Location: <Smart Analytics installation>/IDOL/IDOLServer.cfg


      Note The Server section does not have a QueryPort value. When updating the queryPort value for the index section in the search.yml file, use the Port value.


      Location: <Smart Analytics installation>/CFS/CFS.cfg


      Location: <Smart Analytics installation>/QMS/QMS.cfg




      Location: <Smart Analytics installation>/IDOL/agentstore/portinfo.dat


      Note When updating the queryPort value for the agentStore section in the search.yml file, use the ACIPort value.

  4. Start the "search" service.
  5. Edit the /opt/hp/propel/sxClientUI/app.json file.

    1. Add the smaEnabled flag and configure kmAttachUrl as highlighted in the following example.

      "knowledge": {
      "mount": "/api/km",
      "smaEnabled": true,
      "kmAttachUrl": "https://SM_SERVER: 13080",
    2. Set the SM user (user name and password) with the RESTful API capability in /opt/hp/propel/sxClientUI/app.json.

      The user configured for kmAttachUsername (such as "falcon" in the following example) should have the RESTful API capability added in SM. By doing so, users can drill down to the km article detail page and to the km attachment.

      In addition, if "kmUseIntegrationAccount" is set to "true," when the "Vote" or "Add comment" action is triggered in the KM module, a license of the user account specified by "kmAttachUsername" is consumed. If "kmUseIntegrationAccount" is set to "false," when the "Vote" or "Add comment" action is triggered in the KM module, a license of the currently logged-in user account is consumed. By default, "kmUseIntegrationAccount" is set to "False."

      "knowledge": {
      "mount": "/api/km",
      "smaEnabled": true,
      "kmContextPath": "/KMCores",
      "kmStrictSSL": true,
      "kmSecureProtocol": "TLSv1_method",
      "kmCa": "/opt/hp/propel/security/CA.crt",
      "kmAttachUrl": "https://SM_SERVER: 13080",
      "kmAttachContextPath": "/SM/9/rest",
      "kmAttachStrictSSL": true,
      "kmAttachSecureProtocol": "TLSv1_method",
      "kmAttachCa": "/opt/hp/propel/security/CA.crt",
      "kmUseIntegrationAccount": true,
      "kmAttachUsername": "falcon",
      "kmAttachPassword": ""
  6. Start the “sx-client-ui" service.

Note In Service Manager Service Portal, users can only search for externally published KM documents. In addiction, as currently Service Manager Service Portal does not support permission control for document search, every user can search out all the externally published KM documents.