Enable Change approval

After you have successfully installed Service Manager Service Portal, you can enable Change approval so that a Change Approver is able to approve or deny all categories of Changes from either Service Manager Service Portal or Service Manager. When the Change approval function is enabled, any Service Manager Change that is pending for approval appears in the Open Approvals list of Service Manager Service Portal. The Changes approved or denied in Service Manager Service Portal or Service Manager are automatically moved to the All Approvals list in Service Manager Service Portal.

Refer to the following steps to enable Change approval:

  1. Log in to the Red Hat system as the root user.
  2. Browse to the [%SX_HOME%]/WEB-INF directory, and then open the sx.properties file.
  3. Set sx.externalRequest.disableOnboarding to false.

  4. Run the following command to restart Service Exchange:

    service jetty-sx restart


  • The Open Approvals list only displays Changes that meet either of the following criteria:

    • Changes that are newly logged after you enable Change approval.
    • Changes that are logged prior to the upgrade but moved to the Pending Approval phase after you enable Change approval.

    The Open Approvals list does not display the Changes that have already been opened and moved to the Pending Approval phase before the upgrade.

  • If there are multiple approvals defined in a Change phase, to avoid approval failures in Service Manager Service Portal, you must select the Aggregate approvals? check box in the Change object definition in Service Manager.