Use > Service Manager Reports > My dashboards > Enable automatic refresh for a dashboard

Enable automatic refresh for a dashboard

Only when your report administrator has enabled the Auto Refresh functionality for dashboards in the front end, you have the option to enable automatic refresh for a specific dashboard so that the dashboard owner and audience can view up-to-date data in the dashboard.

Note Unlike the Refresh button on the dashboard form, the Auto Refresh functionality refreshes only the data being displayed in each report of the dashboard. If the dashboard content is modified by someone else (that is, the dashboard has a report added or removed), Auto Refresh does not display this modification to you until you log off and log in again.

Note You must have the Edit Dashboard permission to perform this task.

Caution The Auto Refresh functionality does not support Internet Explorer.

To enable automatic refresh for a dashboard, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Reporting > Search Dashboard to open the dashboard.
  2. Select the Support Auto Refresh check box on the right side.

    Note If your report administrator has disabled automatic refresh for all dashboards, this check box is hidden.

    The Refresh Interval field is then displayed.

  3. In the Refresh Interval field, select an interval from the list. For example, select Recurs every 2 minutes.

    Tip Follow these steps to add more intervals to the list:

    1. Click Tailoring > Tailoring Tools > Global Lists.
    2. Search for the Reporting Dashboard Refresh Interval global list, and then append more values to the Value List field, the Display List field, and the SM message List field, respectively.
    3. Save your changes.
    4. Add the corresponding new messages to the scmessage table.

  4. Click Save.

    Now, automatic refresh is enabled for the dashboard owner. To enable automatic refresh for the dashboard audience, your system administrator must select the Enable dashboard auto refresh for audience option. For more information, see Configure report settings.

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