Use > Survey > Service Manager Survey > SM Survey upgrade

SM Survey upgrade

If you are upgrading from a Service Manager version earlier than 9.50, the SM Survey functionality needs an upgrade. The upgrade process is simple, whichever user portal you used: Employee Self-Service (ESS), or Service Request Catalog (SRC).

ESS user portal

After your SM application upgrade, do the following to upgrade SM Survey:

  1. Specify the ESS portal as the survey portal. For detailed steps, see Select a survey portal.
  2. Create a survey template with your original questionnaire.

    SM Survey no longer requires you to tailor any forms for ESS surveys. You only need to recreate your original questionnaire by creating a survey template. Additionally, you have the option to create multiple survey questionnaires because SM Survey supports multiple survey templates. For detailed steps, see Create a survey template.

SRC user portal

After your SM application upgrade, do the following to upgrade SM Survey:

  1. Specify the SRC portal as the survey portal. For detailed steps, see Select a survey portal.
  2. Use the DEFAULT survey template for historic surveys.

    The out-of-box survey template is named DEAFULT, which is defined as a default survey template in the Survey Settings form. During your application upgrade, the out-of-box questions are automatically removed from this survey template and your original survey questions are automatically linked to this template. That is, the DEFAULT survey template is automatically updated to match your original questionnaire.

    Best practice: If you change the default survey template from DEFAULT to a new one, historic survey data in your system will switch to the new survey template. You are recommended to keep this setting unchanged to ensure data integrity. You can continue to use the DEFAULT survey template for new surveys or create new survey templates for them. This practice also works for rule-based surveys, for which you can use JavaScript to specify a particular survey template, instead of using the default one defined in the Survey Settings form.

Note The SRC Tailoring tool is no longer needed. Therefore, the System Administration > Tailoring > SRC Tailoring > Survey menu item is no longer available from the Service Manager System Navigator.

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