Use > Survey > Service Manager Survey > SM Survey setup > Specify the survey portal URL

Specify the survey portal URL

User roles: System Administrator

SM surveys are sent to recipients through an email with a survey link, which is generated based on the survey portal URL. For this reason, you need to specify the URL for your selected survey portal. For more information, see Select a survey portal.

To specify the survey portal URL, follow these steps:

  1. Click System Administration > Base System Configuration > Miscellaneous > System Information Record.
  2. Click the Active Integrations tab.
  3. Specify the portal URL for your portal, as described in the following table.

    Portal Steps

    Note For ESS surveys, you must configure both the standard web client URL and the ESS web client URL in the System Information Record. Both URLs are used as predefined parameters for SM Survey.

    1. In the WebServer URL field, type the fully qualified URL to your web tier. For example:
    2. In the ESS URL field, type the fully qualified URL to your web tier. For example:

    In the SRC URL field, type your SRC URL in the following format:

    http://<SRC Server name>:<port>/<SRC App Server Name>
    Service Manager Service Portal

    In the Service Portal URL field, enter the following value:

    https://<Service Portal host name>:<port>

    Where: <Service Portal host name> represents the fully qualified domain name of the Service Manager Service Portal host, and <port> represents the launchpad port of Service Manager Service Portal. The default launch pad port is 9000.

    For example:
  4. Save the System Information Record.
  5. Log off and then log back in to Service Manager.

Tip If you have already set up HTML Email, now users can send surveys from a record by using the Send Survey option from the More menu. For details, see Send a survey from a record.

To enable the system to automatically send scheduled surveys or rule-based surveys, additional configurations are needed:

Enable a survey integration instance

Create an SM survey for a module

Related topics

SM Survey setup

Related topics

Enable a survey integration instance

Send a survey from a record