Create localized global lists

The record tag localization utility makes it possible to localize a query-based list. You can use this utility to localize lists that are defined by a query.

To localize a query-based global list:

Note:You must log out and then log back in for the global list change to take affect.

  1. Create or access an existing global list record that is based on the Limiting SQL field.
  2. Check Use Localized Values?.
  3. Ensure that List Variable and Display Variable are set to different variable names.
  4. Save your changes.
  5. Wait for the lister process to build the list.

Example: use the following inputs for Global List to return a list of all active categories.

Field Label Value
List Name
Build List on Startup? checked
List Variable $
Display Variable $
Limiting SQL active=true or active=NULL
Use Localized Values? checked

After the list is built, the localized lists for all active languages display in the table under the Value List field on the Global List Definition form.

These lists are based on the contents of the message records that were updated in Accessing localizing message records (Accessing and localizing message records for a codes-based global list). The display variable will be bound to the display list for the language associated with the user session.

Related concepts

Localization process
Global lists
Accessing and localizing message records for a codes-based global list
Creating localized codes-based global lists

Related tasks

Access a list record
Enable a table for tag localization
Associate a field with a codes-based global list
Build lists on startup