Integrate > Service Manager integration methods and tools > Web Services > Publishing Service Manager data using WS API > List: Web Services available in the Service Manager Web Services API

List: Web Services available in the Service Manager Web Services API

The Service Manager Web Services includes ITIL-compliant Web Services. The following table lists some of those web services. To see all the Web Services that are ITIL-compliant, use Web Service Configuration in Tailoring (Tailoring > Web Services > Web Service Configuration) and then do a true search. This will list all of the out-of-box services.

Note This is the out-of-box list for SOAP.

Web Service URL to access WSDL Service Manager objects (tables) published
Change Management ChangeManagement.wsdl Change (cm3r), ChangeTask (cm3t)
Configuration Management


Company (company), Contact (contacts), Department (dept), Device (device), DeviceParent (deviceparent), Computer (joincomputer), DisplayDevice (joindisplaydevice), Furnishing (joinfurnishings), HandHeldDevice (joinhandhelds), MainFrame (joinmainframe), NetworkDevice (joinnetworkcomponents), OfficeElectronic (joinofficeelectronics), SoftwareLicense (joinsoftwarelicense), StorageDevice (joinstorage), TelecommunicationDevice (jointelecom), Location (location), Model (model), InstalledSoftware (pcsoftware), Vendor (vendor)

Incident Management


Incident (probsummary), Incident Task (imTask)

Problem Management


Problem (rootcause)

Service Desk


Interaction (incidents)

Note As of Service Manager 9.41, the "Continue" action is introduced and it only applies to the standalone streamlined interactions. If you apply "Continue" to a streamlined interaction that is already related to a fulfillment record, the action will fail with an error message.

The “add.escalate.incident" action supports both the “Streamlined Service Desk” workflow and other previous interaction workflows.

Service Level Management


ServiceEntry (serviceent), SLA (sla), ActiveSLA (slaactive), AssignedSLA (slaassigned), SLA Control (slacontrol), MonthlySLA (slamonthly), MonthlySLALag (slamonthlylag), SLAResponse (slaresponse)

Request Fulfillment

RequestManagement.wsdl Request (request), Request Task (requestTask)

For RESTful, you can find the out-of-box list from the Service Document, http://<server>:<port>/SM/9/rest.