Administer > Application Setup > Process Designer > Process Designer Workflows > Workflow Viewer > View a workflow in Workflow Viewer

View a workflow in Workflow Viewer

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator


The Workflow Viewer enables you to view a graphical layout of the entire lifecycle of a process or record. The phases and transitions of the workflow are color-coded as follows.


Color property used

Current phase

Green highlight

Past phase

Green border

Future phase

Blue border

Inactive phase

Grey border

Past transition

Dotted green line

Future transition

Blue line arrow

If a phase in a workflow contains approvals, an Approvals icon is displayed in the phase in the Workflow Viewer.

You can view information about specific parts of the workflow by hovering the mouse over that component in the Workflow Viewer. For example, hover the mouse over a transition between two phases to display the description of that transition. Or, hover the mouse over the Approvals icon to display the approval definition list (in future phases), the approvals information in the Approval table (in the current phase), or the approval history (in past phases).

To view a workflow, open a record, and then click the Workflow tab.

Note In order to view a workflow in the Workflow Viewer, you must integrate a Workflow widget into any form that is associated with a Process Designer-enabled table. This is currently available for Knowledge Management (kmdocument).

The procedure to integrate the viewer into each module is very similar.