Administer > Application Setup > Process Designer > Process Designer Workflows > Workflow Viewer > View the Workflow Properties

View the workflow properties

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator


You can use the Workflow Properties button to view the properties that are related to an entire workflow. You can see all the workflow-based Rule Sets, Actions, and Backend Transitions that are related to that workflow.

To view the Workflow properties, follow these steps:

  1. Click TailoringProcess DesignerWorkflows. Or, from within a Process Designer module, click Configuration and then Workflows.

  2. Double-click on any workflow.

  3. After the Workflow tab opens, click the Workflow Properties button.

  4. Click on any of the following tabs:

    • Workflow Properties
    • Workflow Based Rule Sets
    • Workflow Based Actions
    • Workflow Backend Transitions

Caution: If you modify a rule set that you have accessed through the Workflow Properties button, those changes are applied to the rule set directly. Therefore, any other workflow that also uses this rule set will also be affected.