Administer > Application Setup > Process Designer > Process Designer Workflows > Workflow Viewer > Integrate Workflow Viewer into a new form

Integrate Workflow Viewer into a new form

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator


The Workflow Viewer icon is available in Forms Designer. The following example will help you integrate the Workflow Viewer widget into the kmdocument.document form. After the integration, you can see a graphical view of the workflow in the Contribute Knowledge > External > Workflow tab. Using similar steps, you can integrate the Workflow Viewer with other forms.

To integrate the Workflow Viewer widget into the kmdocument form:

  1. Log on as a System Administrator and open Forms Designer in the Windows client (In the System Navigator, click Tailoring > Forms Designer). For information on accessing Forms Designer and updating a form, see the following topics in the Help server: "Access Forms Designer" and "Update a form".
  2. In the Form field, type kmdocument.external and click Search. The Contribute Knowledge form opens with the External Document Upload tab selected.
  3. Add 'Workflow' tab in the form.
  4. Set the visible condition to [$showWF]=true in the Workflow tab.

    Note The condition hides the tab in the Windows client, but is visible in the Web client.

  5. Add the Workflow Viewer component to the new Workflow tab.
  6. In the Workflow Viewer component, set the following variables in the properties.

    Workflow Name:  $L.wfgWFName

    Workflow Table: $L.wfgWFTable

    Workflow RecordID: $L.wfgWFRecId

    Workflow Current Phase: $L.wfgWFPhase

  7. Add four text boxes at the bottom of the Workflow Viewer.
  8. Set their input values in the properties to:





    Note The four text boxes display workflow name, table name, document id, and phase of the record.

  9. Set the Workflow Viewer variables in the Main > Initialization tab of display screens for and kmdocFlow.view:

    $L.wfgWFName=workflowName in $L.wfPhase

    $L.wfgWFTable=tableName in $L.wfPhase

    $L.wfgWFPhase=phaseName in $L.wfPhase

    $L.wfgWFRecId=id in $L.file

    if (sysinfo.get("environment")~="scguiwswt") then ($showWF="true") else ($showWF="false")

    Note To go to display screen, type ds in Service Manager command prompt and search for the kmdocument.document form.

  10. Follow steps 1 through 7 to add Workflow View in the other Knowledge Management forms: kmdocuments (kmdocument.probsol, kmdocument.howto, kmdocument.reference and kmdocument.errormsg)