Administer > Smart Analytics Administration > Administrator tasks > Get ports occupied by Smart Analytics

Get ports occupied by Smart Analytics

To get ports occupied by Smart Analytics, follow these steps:

Windows-based system

Using PowerShell

  1. Run the script shown below to get the process ID of <Smart Analytics>IDOL\IDOLServer.exe and <Smart Analytics>\level2proxy\IDOLServer.exe:

    gwmi win32_process -filter "Name LIKE '%IDOL%'"|select ProcessID,Name|Sort-Object ProcessID | ft –AutoSize

    The following information appears on the console:

    ProcessID            Name
    ---------                 ----
    <PID1>                 IDOLServer.exe
    <PID2>                 IDOLSE~1.EXE
  2. Run the script shown below to find all process ID for components called by <Smart Analytics>IDOL\IDOLServer.exe and <Smart Analytics>\level2proxy\IDOLServer.exe:

    gwmi win32_process -filter "ParentProcessID=<PID>"|select ProcessID,ParentProcessID,Name |where {$_.ParentProcessID -eq <PID>}|Sort-Object ProcessID | ft –AutoSize

    Note The <PID> here is the process id got from Step 1.

    The following information appears on the console:

    ProcessID         ParentProcessID         Name
    ---------         ---------------         ----
    <PID1>            <PID>                   view.exe
    <PID2>            <PID>                   agentstore.exe
    <PID3>            <PID>                   dah.exe
    <PID4>            <PID>                   community.exe
    <PID5>            <PID>                   dih.exe
    <PID6>            <PID>                   category.exe
    <PID7>            <PID>                   conhost.exe
  3. Run: netstat –anot | findstr <PID> to get ports occupied by components found in step 2:

    Note The <PID> here is the process id you got from both Step 1 and 2.

    The following information appears on the console:

    TCP<PORT1>         LISTENING       <PID>      InHost
    TCP<PORT2>         LISTENING       <PID>      InHost
    TCP<PORT3>         LISTENING       <PID>      InHost
    TCP    [::]:<PORT1>           [::]:0            LISTENING       <PID>      InHost
    TCP    [::]:<PORT2>           [::]:0            LISTENING       <PID>      InHost
    TCP    [::]:<PORT3>           [::]:0            LISTENING       <PID>      InHost

    The ports you get here are used by Smart Analytics.

If PowerShell is not installed, you can find all the process id from Task Manager.

Linux-based system

Using Bash

Run: ps -ef | grep IDOL [OR: Content, Connector, etc.]

You will get a list similar to the following:

<USER>     <PID1>     1  0 14:06 pts/0    00:00:00 /opt/HPE/ServiceManager9.50/SmartAnalytics/level2proxy/dah/dah.exe -idolcomponent -configfile /opt/HPE/ServiceManager9.50/SmartAnalytics/level2proxy/IDOLServer.cfg -aciport <PORT1> -serviceport <PORT2>
<USER>     <PID2>     1  0 14:06 pts/0    00:00:01 /opt/HPE/ServiceManager9.50/SmartAnalytics/level2proxy/dih/dih.exe -idolcomponent -configfile /opt/HPE/ServiceManager9.50/SmartAnalytics/level2proxy/IDOLServer.cfg -aciport <PORT3>  -indexport <PORT2>  -serviceport <PORT3>

All the ports listed here are used by Smart Analytics.