Develop > Tailoring > Web tier > Branding the web client

Branding the web client

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator

The out-of-box HPE Service Manager web client includes a preset HPE theme, which can be modified to express your organization's own branding.

You can change your Service Manager logo icons, colors, and font style from the integrated user interface. You can also perform additional branding implementation options to change the splash screen, or to replace the images, including all the icons.

The following steps show how to implement web client branding changes.

Note To perform branding operations, the operator should have SysAdmin capability. To enable the branding rights for an operator, see Update the operator records to enable the branding rights.

  1. Specify the location for the branding files
  2. Branding implementation options

    If you are running a Service Manager applications version earlier than 9.34, you need to perform an additional step to set up the branding menu. See Enable the branding menu in old applications.

  3. Additional branding implementation options

Note Currently, the branding feature does not support JAWS or color settings for the web client.