Test the workaround

Part of Workflow(s):


Applies to User Roles:

Problem Analyst

One of the tasks of the Problem Analyst is to review and test the workaround identified and documented in the problem task. These tests help to validate the suitability for resolving related incidents. When the test is successful, the Problem Coordinator documents the workaround in the problem record and creates a known error record.

To update tested workarounds, follow these steps:

  1. Click Problem Management > Problem Task Queue or view your To Do list.
  2. View and identify any problem tasks whose workaround can be tested.
  3. Test the workaround described in the Activities tab, using a test environment that mimics the production environment.
  4. If the workaround fails, follow these steps:

    1. Document your findings in the Activities tab.
    2. Select the applicable update code from the New Update Type field list.
    3. Add notes to the New Update field with the results of your testing. If applicable, document the reasons a root cause is not found. Include your time spent during the investigation.


      Notify the Problem Coordinator of the test results who then escalates the problem to the Problem Manager. The Problem Manager determines other resources and skills required to diagnose the problem.

  5. If the workaround is successful and has been validated, follow these steps:

    1. Document your findings in the Activities tab.
    2. Select the applicable update type from New Update Type field list.
    3. In the New Update field, type a description of the test results.


      Notify the Problem Coordinator of the test results. The Problem Coordinator validates the test results and makes additional determinations, such as whether the root cause is related to an outstanding known error, and then creates a new known error.

  6. Click Close Task.

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Documenting the root cause
Problems with multiple Configuration Items
Example: Search for a record

Related topics

Assign a Problem Management task
Close a problem task
Document the root cause
Document the workaround
Investigate and diagnose a Problem Management task
Open a known error