Edit Catalog Aggregation


The Organization Administrator can manage Service Manager Service Portal catalog items by creating aggregations. An Service Manager Service Portal aggregation contains catalog items that are imported from an end-point system (supplier) such as Service Manager (SM) . After an aggregation is created and the end-point system's catalog items are imported, the Organization Administrator publishes the Service Manager Service Portal catalog items into a catalog, and then they are available for fulfillment in the Service Manager Service Portal.

After an aggregation is created and aggregated, the Organization Administrator can edit the properties of the aggregation.



The Organization Administrator can change the general properties of an aggregation.

  1. From the Launchpad, click the Catalog Connect application. The Aggregation List is displayed.
  2. In the Aggregation List, click the aggregation that you want to edit. The Aggregation Report is displayed.
  3. Click Edit. General and status fields for the aggregation appear. You can change the following general fields:

    • The aggregation Name
    • Click the Automatic check box if changes to catalog items on the supplier's system should be automatically re-aggregated.

    Note Automatic re-aggregation is limited to specific suppliers.

  4. To save your changes to the aggregation, click Save. The Aggregation Report shows the aggregation's revisions, with a time stamp of when the aggregation was last updated.


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