Restart Catalog Aggregation (Re-Aggregate)


The Organization Administrator can manage Service Manager Service Portal catalog items by creating aggregations. An Service Manager Service Portal aggregation contains catalog items that are imported from an end-point system (supplier) such as Service Manager (SM) . After an aggregation is created and the end-point system's catalog items are imported, the Organization Administrator publishes the Service Manager Service Portal catalog items into a catalog, and then they are available for fulfillment in the Service Manager Service Portal.

After an Service Manager Service Portal aggregation has been created, on-going aggregations (re-aggregations) can occur:

  • Automatic – This setting is available only for aggregations created with specific suppliers. After a catalog item is changed (added, updated, or deleted) in the supplier's system, the re-aggregation happens automatically for the catalog item and its status is updated in the Service Manager Service Portal aggregation.
  • Manual – This re-aggregation requires a manual action by the Organization Administrator. Manual re-aggregation requires the Organization Administrator to be aware of changed catalog items and manually trigger the re-aggregation to occur.

Note If a catalog item in an aggregation is changed, the changes persist. That is, when an aggregation is re-aggregated, the catalog item's properties in the supplier's system do not override the catalog item's properties in the Service Manager Service Portal aggregation.



The Organization Administrator can re-aggregate an existing aggregation and newly added, revised, or deleted catalog items in the supplier's system are updated in the Service Manager Service Portal aggregation.

  1. From the Launchpad, click the Catalog Connect application. The Aggregation List appears.
  2. In the Aggregation List, click the aggregation you want to re-aggregate. The Aggregation Report appears and the general and status fields are displayed.
  3. In the Aggregation Report, click near the top-right area of the Aggregation Report and select Restart Aggregation.

The status bar indicates the progress of the re-aggregation. The status fields provide details of the re-aggregation.

You can click the Aggregation History tab in the Aggregation Report to review changes to individual catalog items.

Tip The Aggregation History provides a visual representation of whether the catalog items have been resolved since being aggregated from a supplier's system. That is, unresolved catalog items have a green bar to the left of them and resolved catalog items do not.


Best Practices

  • Re-aggregating: Configuring automatic re-aggregation is recommended because the Service Manager Service Portalcatalog items are automatically updated when they change on the supplier's system. (Manual re-aggregation requires the Organization Administrator to be aware of catalog items changing on the supplier's system and a manual re-aggregation action.)


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