Resolve Catalog Aggregation


The Organization Administrator can manage Service Manager Service Portal catalog items by creating aggregations. An Service Manager Service Portal aggregation contains catalog items that are imported from an end-point system (supplier) such as Service Manager (SM) . After an aggregation is created and the end-point system's catalog items are imported, the Organization Administrator publishes the Service Manager Service Portal catalog items into a catalog, and then they are available for fulfillment in the Service Manager Service Portal.

The Service Manager Service Portal Organization Administrator can mark aggregations that are resolved/read.

In the typical flow, automatic aggregation changes catalog items and then the Organization Administrator needs to review the changes and manage them appropriately in Service Manager Service Portal. The automatic conflict resolution cannot work in all cases so the Organization Administrator can mark changes as resolved/read. This can be done at the aggregation level or catalog item level. The Organization Administrator needs to review the changes because not all changes can be propagated to the portal; some may need adjustment, correction or even removal.



The Organization Administrator can set the status for any aggregation to Resolved.

  1. From the Launchpad, click the Catalog Connect application. The Aggregation List appears.
  2. Click the aggregation that you want to view. The Aggregation Report appears.
  3. Click the Aggregation History tab. Historical data for each catalog item action is displayed.

  4. Optional: To conveniently group all warnings or errors together, click on the Status column header to re-sort the history based on the status.

  5. To set the status to Resolved for all history item issues, click and select Mark All Resolved.

  6. Confirm marking all items as resolved.

Note You can also resolve a specific item from the Item History Details view. Click on an item to view the item history details, click and then select Mark All Resolved.


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