Migrating Propel to Service Manager Service Portal

If you previously use Propel and now you want to use Service Manager Service Portal, follow these steps to migrate Propel to Service Manager Service Portal:

  1. Install and configure Service Manager Service Portal. For detailed instructions, see Install and set up Service Portal.

  2. In Service Manager Service Portal, use the Catalog Connect application to create a catalog aggregation to import catalog items from Service Manager. For detailed instruction, refer to the Catalog Connect section in the Service Manager Service Portal online help. You must log onto Service Manager Service Portal as the admin user to view this topic.

    After you set up the catalog aggregation, catalog definition including user options can be aggregated into Service Manager Service Portal automatically.

  3. Synchronize your existing service and support requests to Service Manager Service Portal. For detailed instructions, see the Synchronize Requests topic in the Service Manager Service Portal online help.

    After synchronization, service requests are synchronized to orders and requests and support requests are synchronized to support requests in the new Service Manager Service Portal.

  4. Re-implement your configurations and customizations in the new Service Manager Service Portal. The configurations and customizations that you may need to re-implement include the following items:

    • Catalog structure

      Note If you previously created a catalog structure in Propel, instead of re-creating the structure in Service Manager Service Portal, we highly recommend that you now create and manage catalog items and categories in Service Manager instead of Service Manager Service Portal. This is because the system cannot synchronize changes to catalog items or categories from Service Manager Service Portal to Service Manager.

    • Access control for catalog items
    • UI theme customization
    • Other customizations such as customized Free Marker templates