Stathistory table

The stathistory table updates every time a user logs on to the system. A stathistory record tracks the named and floating licenses on an application basis.

The application creates a new stathistory record daily. If a stathistory record already exists, the record updates. If one does not exist, the application creates a new record. The stathistory record names are:

Application License type
Application name - named
Application name - Floating

For example, to search for floating license Configuration Management records, type:

Configuration Management - Floating

Each stathistory record updates with the number of named or Floating licenses used at that moment. The number updates only when it is greater than the number already in the table. This enables the administrator to keep track of the highest number of licenses used at any time.

Related topics

License tracking
Named users
Named users for applications
Self-service licenses

Determine the number of named users available
Make an individual operator a named user
Define named users for applications
Generate a user license report
View the stathistory table

License types
Profile fields for Change Management license tracking
Profile fields for Contract Management license tracking
Profile fields for Configuration Management license tracking
Profile fields for Incident Management license tracking
Profile fields for Problem Management license tracking
Profile fields for Request Management license tracking
Profile fields for Service Desk license tracking