Delete a Knowledgebase

You can delete an existing knowledgebase, using a Delete button available on the Knowledgebase Maintenance form. When you delete a knowledgebase, the system automatically performs certain clean-ups needed for the removed knowledgebase, however for a sclib type knowledgebase, you still need to manually undo the changes to the system you made when adding the knowledgebase.

When you delete a knowledgebase, the system automatically:

  • Removes four triggers on the table whose records were indexed: after.add.KM.<tablename>, before.update.KM.<tablename>, after,update.KM.<tablename>, and before.delete.KM.<tablename>.
  • Removes the Boolean field from the kmquery table that corresponds to the knowledgebase.
  • Removes references to the new knowledgebase from three functions in the KMSearch ScriptLibrary: getAvailableKnowledgeBases, getSelectedCollections, and getSelectedCollectionsString.
  • Removes the kmquery.default display options that reference the removed knowledgebase.

To delete a knowledgebase:

  1. Click Knowledge Management > Configuration > Knowledgebases.
  2. Click Search.
  3. Select the knowledgebase you want to delete.
  4. In the knowledgebase detail form, click Delete and then click Yes.
  5. If it is a weblib or fsyslib type knowledgebase, you do not need to do anything else.
  6. If it is an sclib type knowledgebase,continue to clean up any references to the knowledgebase by undoing the changes to the system that you made when you added the knowledgebase.
    1. Remove the tab for the knowledgebase on the kmknowledgebase.advsearch.g form, if you created one.
    2. Remove any knowledgebase-specific fields from the kmquery dbdict that you previously added.
    3. Remove any knowledgebase-specific references that you added to the KMSearch ScriptLibrary.
    4. Delete the read-only viewing format that you created for the knowledge candidates for the knowledgebase.
    5. Remove the format name that you added to the kmquery.linkrequest process record.
    6. Remove the links to this knowledgebase from the kmquery link record for an advanced search record.


Related topics

Add an sclib Knowledgebase
Add an fsyslib Knowledgebase
Add a weblib Knowledgebase