Use > Service Level Management > Service Level Management administration tasks > Edit the Service Level Management control record

Edit the Service Level Management control record

Applies to User Roles:

System Administrator, Administrator

The Service Level Management (SLM) control record specifies the basic configuration options for the service agreements in Service Manager.

To edit the SLM control record options, follow these steps:

  1. Click Service Level Management > Administration > Edit Control Record.
  2. Select or clear any service agreement options.

    Enable SLM ApplicationIntegrate Service Level Management with Incident Management, Problem Management, Request Management, and Service Desk. You must log out and log back in for changes to this record to take effect.
    Check Service HoursPrevent users from opening Incident records outside of the service hours defined in the service agreement. A dialog box advises the operator that service is unavailable.
    Allow Override of Service Hours ViolationPermit new service desk interactions outside of the hours specified in the service agreement.
    Default SLAChoose the default SLA to apply when no SLA is specified for the contact’s department or company.
    Default OLAChoose the default Operational Level Agreement (OLA) to apply when no OLA is specified for the contact’s department or company.
    Effective ConditionSpecifies the condition under which the service agreements are operating (e.g. the"agreed" phase).
    Group Table NameSpecifies the default group list for an OLA and UC.
    Schedule Time Interval

    Specify in how many minutes the corresponding sla schedule record will expire after a record (for example, a Change or Incident record) is created. You can select one of the three options:

    • 2 minutes
    • 5 minutes
    • 10 minutes

    By default, no option is selected and 2 minutes is used.

    Standard AlertsList the alerts that occur when the application does not generate specific alerts.
  3. Click Save.
  4. Click OK.

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Service Level Management administration
Service Level Management control record
Service Level Management control record options